Learnership internship in South AfricaAvailable jobs in South AfricaDPSA Vacancies in South Africa


GAUTENG INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME, The Government Printing Works is committed to equal opportunities and affirmative action. Our aim is to promote diversity by filling these positions. Candidates who contribute to representivity will be given preference.

To apply, please submit your application to the Branch: Human Resources at the Government Printing Works in Pretoria. You can either send it by post to Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001, or deliver it in person to 149 Bosman Street, Pretoria.

You can:

For any inquiries, please contact Ms. D Kgosana or Ms. NW Mathibela at the Human Resources department, reachable at (012) 748 6277 or (012) 748 6297.

The closing date for applications is 13 November 2023 at 16:00 (noon).

Please note that applications must be completed on the prescribed form Z83. The new application form can be downloaded from www.dpsa.gov.zavacancies, as the old form was withdrawn from use on 31 December 2020. Make sure to fill out the form in its entirety and sign page 2. Failure to do so will result in your application being disregarded. Additionally, clearly indicate the reference number on the Z83 form.

Your application should include the completed and signed new Z83 Form, which can be obtained from any Public Service Department or downloaded from www.gov.za, as well as a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae.

GAUTENG INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME, Applicants who have foreign qualifications must submit evaluated results from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) before the scheduled interview date. The Government Printing Works reserves the right to decide whether or not to fill the advertised positions. Candidates who are shortlisted must be available for interviews at a time determined by the Government Printing Works.


GAUTENG INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME, The selection process includes personnel suitability checks. Successful candidates will need to sign an employment contract and performance agreement, and must pass a security clearance. Applications received after the closing date or those that do not meet the requirements will not be considered.

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